Thursday, 26 December 2013

Whats happening???

So it's Boxing Day. I have a strange thing happening and no idea why. I AM KNITTING MONOGAMOUSLY¡!!!!!!!!!!!!
How this happened I have no idea, why? I think because it is so enjoyable to knit on this project that I have no desire to change it up as I normally do after a couple of hours. I am completely satisfied just letting my fingers do the knitting while I while away the hours watching re runs or listening to podcasts or being with the girls. This is a new feeling to be sure. One which I'm sure will last until this secret test knit is completed. Seeing as Niamh is happy to wait for her socks and my Kal kit hasn't arrived.
Is this normal???? I usually hate only working on one project as you all know by now. Time will tell hey.
I hope you all had a wonderfully good time yesterday and that you have starting thinking about what you'll be giving to charity over the coming weeks. I know we have a few boxes and bags ready. So I'll leave you all to your happy family and friends. Take care of yourselves.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Wednesday 25th December 2013

Merry Christmas Everyone

Yes..............I did record a quick show today on Christmas day.
Have a lovely holiday wherever you are, See you on New Years Eve.
Elly x

Monday, 23 December 2013

Monday 23rd December 2013

Hi everyone,
I decided to write a blog post to make a change. I will be adding in random entries like today just to keep you all up to date on happenings and also because I've realised if I talk about everything on the podcast it will get crazy long. So anything not knitting or spinning or normal podcast will go here.
So, I did something incredible.
I managed to bake Kimberly's birthday cake...........
Just to put this into context, the last hot meal I ate was Christmas dinner 2011, the last thing I cooked in the oven was bread, about 18 months ago. So this is huge. I will show you, look:

See!!! Fab, I am very proud of myself for forcing myself to make it and test my symptoms, I got a really bad head, but no nausea or such which is what I was dreading. So Kim had a lovely day.

Then a couple of days ago, I was thinking I wanted to make something treaty to add to gifts and as small gifts for a couple of friends. So I made peppermint bark, fudge bark, strawberry lace teddy bears and peppermint and chocolate dipped marshmallows...... I can't eat them, however they are being very happily received by everyone.

Which brings me to today.
Today I wanted to bake Christmas biscuits, to see again if I could cope. Well blow me down, I have had so much fun and it didn't affect me one bit. Yipee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what if I can't eat anything I've made over the last week. I love making things for others to enjoy and I always used to love cooking and baking. Here's to 2014 cooking more things cause I want to.

See you all tomorrow on the show, Take Care, Elly

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Episode 25 : What Elly Forgot

Hi everyone, it's Thursday 19th December 2014
Today Kimberly turned 11 so I'll be baking her cake while she's at school.
I recorded last night so I hope you enjoy this weeks show.

Fo's: Layla by Brenda Castiel
Snowflake washcloth,
Keira's Socks, Steps to Recovery by Elspeth Campbell (me)
Charlottes Hat, Perseverance by Elspeth Campbell (me)

Wip's: Niamhs socks Daughter's Love by Elspeth Campbell (me just not published yet, publishing January 2014, )
Kims Cardi: Clamdigger Cardi made age 10
Samanthas Wristers just a pattern I've made up.
Medy the Jellyfish by Elspeth Campebell (me just not published yet, publishing January 2014)

Hat Kal: Keep posting your hats folks,

Spinning: Green Batts on my wheel
Mulled wine Batts from on my new drop spindle from SpinCityUk on Etsy

My patterns need test knitters, so go sign up on the testing thread here.

 Stitch markers from here
Blue cotton araucarnia

Etsy shop: I will be updating as I make things instead of weekly or monthly updates.
I have a 10% discount code: hohoho
So go take a peeky and treat yourself here.

My nails this week: Barry M Nail Paint ~ 340 Aqua Glitter

Saturday, 14 December 2013

I try to rename Deb as Sharon

Sorry really slack on the shownotes, I will catch up next week.
For now here was this weeks episode.