Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Where to begin...

Hi folks,

A lot has happened since my last post. So I want to fill you all in on some of it.

My health took another nosedive unfortunately and the various medications I'm on aren't working the way they're supposed to, which sucks. My consultant won't actually do any more tests and I've been told to get help somewhere else basically. So a lovely friend has put me in touch with a Gastroenterologist in Canada to see if he can shed some light on why I'm so sick all the time. Fingers crossed, although by the time my file reaches him it will be the end of January.
In an effort to help myself I've decided, with the full support of my dietician, to try the FODMAP diet. Google it folks, my brain understands it is to do with the level of fructons, fructose and poly-ols entering my larges intestine which causes havoc. If it works then great stuff, however, I need to be able to eat more than 300grams in a day for this to be a realistic approach. My weight has dropped again and my calorie intake is worse again because my symptoms got worse. Because we don't know what's wrong we can't do anything about it and so the viscious cycle begins again. AHH!!!

So during this dreadful time my Christmas knitting list has shrunk. Not through finishing items though. I've had to turn around to myself and basically accept that I can't knit as much or as fast as before. Therefore, of the 7 items remaining, I finished one pair of mittens and have decided to just try to finish my daughters gifts. Kims Noro jumper has only about 12 rows left on the back before I start the front ( I know, never getting that knitted in a week, this I accept ). Keira's waterfall sleeveless lacey cardigan is actually growing quite nicely, I worked on it monogomously today and got another eight inches done.
Thing is, I haven't knit Dave anything, (my hubby) yet I've knit one male friend a hat and another male friend a hat and matching fingerless mitts.
 Cringe for the guilt. I wanted to knit him some fingerless mittens to match his zauberball hat, I just haven't cast them on yet. The shame. I'll cast them on after Christmas, then there's no pressure of a finishing date and this is England. We pretty much have chilly weather for six months of the year, we haven't hit the coldest part yet either.

Anyway, I've been catching up on all my podcasts, audiobooks, films, tv episodes etc recently. I've really hidden in the sand for a while I'll admit. Podcasts that have really cheered me up have been the Thanksgiving episode of the 2 Knit Lit Chicks (iTunes) and The Knit Girllls video podcast, both of these podcasts had me laugh out loud which felt good.
I've been geeking it up and watching the marvel films in order of timeline setting, so starting with Captain America up to The Avengers Assemble, so much fun !!!
I've finally caught up with the end of season 3 of Downton Abbey, no spoilers escaping from me though. Just that it doesn't disappoint. Can't wait for the Christmas special, yey.
Audiobooks, well, I'm listening to The Wolf Gift by Anne Rice. Dave bought me the hardback for Christmas last year, but I just haven't been able to find a way to keep it propped open to read. Hence the audio instead, plus I have got another eight audiobooks to listen to too. All good though.

Yummy yarn time. Today I signed up for the first years quarter of the fivemoons Artemis Sock Club. So very excited as it's my favourite sparkly yarn, I'd knit everything in it if I could afford to. I'll post photos of each instalment, I plan on hopefully doing the full year.

Next time, Beads, Anne Rice, Sewing and my knitting wish list for next year.

Just a note to say, Happy 10th Birthday tomorrow to my Kimberly, Love you sweety xxx
I'm proud to call you my daughter.
Bye for now folks, Christmas Eve??

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Gently Drizzling...

Sunday 2nd December 2012

I've been a very busy knitter these last few weeks. I finished and shipped my Holiday Swap package. Great fun KAL, you knit gifts and include a few goodies for a swap buddy and make friends in the process. I made mug hugs and a large coaster / pot holder for a family and included typically British biscuits and tea etc.
I knit a few Christmas cards for people, I've also made another Christmasy toy. A snowman.
My Christmas knitted gift list is shrinking gradually. I finished another two hats, restarted Kimberly's jumper because I would have run out of yarn. So she's having a shorter jumper with wave border around the bottom. Still using the Noro yarn though. She's worth it and look after her clothes so i know both her sisters in turn will get to wear it in the future too. I only have 7 of the 23 gift knits left. So today I'm working on my nieces mittens. They're the Urban Necessity pair on Ravelry. I'm halfway though the Debbie Bliss ones I'm making for my other niece.

I also decided I didn't like the bolero I was knitting for Keira, So I'm making her a lacey waterfall cardigan instead. I feel much happier with both of those projects now, I just hope I'll get them finished in time for Christmas.
I've been working on an old pair of spiral tube socks on and off too. Mostly off though ha ha.
I'm knitting a test shawl at the moment. The cast on stitch count is a lot...... crazy stitch count but it'll be beautiful, I'm using bluebell coloured yarn and blue iridescent beads. Stunning. When i'm allowed to post the shawl I will I promise.
The Leftie shawl I was making for a friend for her present is very slow going because I'm daft enough to have decided it would be fun to knit the whole thing in lace weight and add beads to the tabs. Not a mistake I plan on again, it is beautiful though. Scarlet Cashmere with wine red merino. Lovely.
I was working on a second shawl for the 2 Knit Lit Chicks KAL. However, it was starting to become less fun and more of a ticking bomb. I've just rolled it up on the needles, put it into the project bag and zipped it closed. After all my gift knitting it will be fun to finish.
I bought several new knitting books from Amazon this week. All ones I've been waiting for. I've done the whole going through and marking down what I want to knit. About 3 years worth of knitting then ha ha. Never mind. Although, one of the books was 'Knitting In Circles' by Nicky Epstein. I'm in love with this book. My plan is to knit my way through the circles and join them up to make blankets, pillows, garments etc. I love the variety in the book.
I've joined another group on Ravely, It's 12 in 2013. Basically you chose 12 patterns to knit next year, they can be whatever you like, and you knit them. Then post a photo of the finished piece on the thread. I have so many projects I keep putting off because something else jumps in front. So I have 15 on my list. I know too many, however, I feel I'll be more likely to succeed if I allow myself an option as I work from 1 to 12.
I'm feeling very lucky and spoilt today though. My husband bought and gave me an early Christmas gift. Behold, the Addi Art needles. They are filled with Swarovski crystals. Can actually be knitted with and have been a wish of mine since I first read about them a few months ago on an Australian Web Site.
They're beautiful.
Apparently they're doing a collection of different sizes so I'd better start saving hey!!!
Lastly I'll leave you to knit in a festive mood by showing you how I painted my nails to keep my Christmas cheer up.
Take care everyone, Elspeth x